11:11 Call Back Your Power, Your Wonder and Your Joy
Come home to your own soul: Call back every piece of yourself that you have ever given away.
I call back my power.
I call back every piece of myself that I have ever given away.
I call back my voice. I call back my clarity. I call back my heart, my truth, my body, my mind, my spirit and my deep love.
I allow it all to return to me now: my love, my joy, my wonder, my curiosity and my faith. I allow my soul to refill with the energies of my trust essence--unconditional love.
I come back to the home of my soul.
Call back your power. Release any energies and emotions that are not yours and come back to the home of your soul.
If you are a Sensitive Soul, you are empathic. More sponge than Teflon, your mood and energy can easily be influenced by sources outside of yourself. Your sensitivity, your big heart and your deep compassion may cause you to take on the concerns of others and expend too much of your energy on their problems without even realizing it. Whether it’s for the purpose of protecting someone else’s feelings or keeping yourself “safe,” the habit of absorbing energy from others not only drains you, but captures traces of your spirit in another’s emotional web. Call back your power. Release any energies and emotions that are not yours and come back home to your soul, the incubator of your dreams.
All suffering is caused either by an attachment to a positive outcome or an avoidance of a negative one. ~ Jafree Oswald
You have a finite amount of personal energy. Becoming so preoccupied with drama created by another can cause you to lose sight of your dreams. When you emotionally and energetically attach to a specific idea, person or outcome, it stays bound until you detach it with love and forgiveness. If you expend your energy by trying to solve problems that you’re not authorized to fix, you will become distracted, frustrated and depleted. Without your conscious awareness or consent, the urgent concerns of another (alive or dead) may be offloaded on to you. You can become so deeply absorbed with the dreams of others that you start to act in their best interest, and sacrifice your own dreams.
Squandering your resources on others instead of creating your soul-led life is not an act of selfless service; it’s actually a boundary violation. When you take on someone else’s challenges, you deny them an opportunity to grow their souls. If you’re a Sensitive Soul who has carried other people’s burdens for so long that it’s become second nature, let this be an invitation to let them go and let it be. Trust that everyone you love has a soul blueprint that they’re guided by, just like you. Instead of being a people pleaser, model self care and be an example of a more harmonious way of being.
It's not a matter of letting go—you would if you could. Instead of 'Let it go' we should probably say 'Let it be'.- Jon Kabat-Zinn
It’s a choice to carry energies that are not yours. Make a choice for yourself to reclaim your power. When you act in your own best interest, remember that you’re not acting against someone else, no matter how they may try to frame it to manipulate you. It’s fear that caused you to give away parts of yourself in the first place: The primal fear of rejection, ostracism or criticism is a powerful motivator that can hijack you from your soul’s mission. Unresolved fear creates an energetic cord that binds a piece of you to someone else…until you reclaim it by calling back your power. A connection based on fear cannot possibly serve your highest good so it must be relinquished if you want to grow.
You can only lose what you cling to. - Buddha
Be bold. Cut the energetic cord. Forgive everybody everything, but act in your own best interest from now on. Instead of constantly reacting to the dysfunction of others, let them be. Trust that you have nothing to lose; anything meant for you will come back to you by your soul’s design. When you have the courage to call back your power, you will be so proud of yourself! You will earn your own respect. You will glow with the warmth of your own soul, the incubator for your dreams.
Try this Medicine Mantra for calling back your power from Lee Harris & Davor Bozic:
"...come back to the home of your soul." You won't believe this, another synchronicity! I wrote about it in my journal this morning before I read this article. I had a couple of experiences yesterday which made me feel like I had "come home to myself" and it felt really good. It also reminded me of that song, "Return Again" (to the land of your soul). Beautiful song, I know you're familiar with it, but others may not be. https://youtu.be/KkxWD2p9cxs?si=GSb-2AG01E0F44sJ