Katie listens carefully to what you tell her verbally, but she also listens for what your soul is saying silently. ~ RR
The world seems to be unraveling at the seams, doesn’t it? It may sound counterintuitive, but we Sensitive Souls wouldn’t have missed it for the world! Anyone alive today is here by design and their consciousness contributes to the collective energy from which we all draw examples of how to be human.
Deep down, many of us feel that we have an essential role to play in this time of planetary awakening. Each soul embodied now is exposed to the stressful conditions of an accelerated process of planetary evolution. It is understandable that alienation, apathy and antagonism prevail in our culture, as we are a deeply traumatized people trying to make sense of a chaotic world.
Wholesome connection is the only antidote to what ails us. Connection is the underlying principle of all life on earth. We were designed to be “plugged in” to self, others, God and Nature in a dynamic, evolving web of creation. Animated by the promptings of the soul, each of us has incarnated with a unique mission: We each came to the planet of free will at this dark time to participate as the best version of ourselves in support of planetary evolution.
Even within a dystopia of disconnection, we have the power to generate peace, prosperity and harmony by intentionally restoring our connection to Source. Like lighthouses, when we ground ourselves in physical reality and stay open to the divine, non-physical reality, we can shine ever more of our divine light and become a port in the tumultuous storm.
It’s easy to become unbalanced and out of sync with your inner guidance when you’re surrounded by chaos. However, whenever your divine connection gets ignored, blocked or severed, you become subject to outside influences that may not have your best interests at heart. By donating your vital energy to upsetting outer conditions, you can get distracted from your soul’s glorious purpose and the soul-satisfying opportunities with your name on them.
Ubiquitous digital conditions can distract you from being present to yourself, others, God and Nature. Since the soul is part of everything, you feel distress on some level whenever you disconnect from your Real Self, others, God and Nature. Like a nudge from the soul, emotional discomfort can motivate you to change directions and recalculate your path according to the north star of your soul.
When RR approached me for help two years ago, she was suffering with the symptoms of disconnection: frustration, sadness and a sense of being an unhappy island unto herself. The following testimonial she wrote for me is really an endorsement of her willingness to do the hard work of change and the healing power of her restored connections.
Serving as her guide is an expression of my soul’s mission, so in that we share a sacred bond of connection in this magnificent adventure of being alive in such tumultuous times.
RR writes:
I was introduced to Katie when I discovered her newsletter, Solace for Sensitive Souls on Substack in 2021. The word “solace” really struck me because I was at a low point and thought I could really use some of that solace! And the fact that she called her readers “Sensitive Souls” also spoke to me because I had already determined that my hyper-sensitivity to what people thought about me, or said to me, was making me miserable. When my relationship problems became unbearable for me and the people in my life, I decided to ask for her professional help. For the last two years, once every other week for an hour, I talk to Katie on Zoom.
In the introduction to her website Katie writes:
If you’re highly sensitive, you need practical strategies to help you to make the most of your sensitivity. You can learn to communicate effectively, set healthy boundaries and maintain your balance, even when the world around you feels overwhelming.
If your sensitivity is disrupting your peace...
If your emotional reactions cause conflict in your relationships...
If you’ve never learned to nurture your wellbeing...
I checked off every single item mentioned on that list. I needed help with all of them, especially learning how to communicate more effectively. Katie taught me how to use Non-Violent Communication, which helped me get my point across without “blowing my stack.” And right now she is working with me on some physical exercises for my back and joint issues. She is really an all-purpose coach/counselor/health advisor.
I believe that God/Source works through her in powerful and profound ways. She is definitely tuned in on a higher frequency, which makes her extremely intuitive. She listens carefully to what you tell her verbally, but she also listens for what your soul is saying silently. Katie counsels from her own personal experience. She’s one of those “wounded healers” who endures hard times and then turns around to use that experience to help others. She models what she teaches in her own life, so she knows what works.
Katie’s counseling style is very welcoming and relaxed. I have to say that you just can’t help falling in love with her. She treats you with genuine care, acceptance, respect, tenderness and kindness. Never is there a hint of judgment. Of course, that doesn’t mean that she’ll let you get away with anything that is not serving your best interests. One of her most lovable characteristics, as well as one of her most effective “techniques” is her “Jersey Girl” sense of humor. Some things may be difficult for you to face, but at the same time necessary for you to acknowledge in order for you to progress the way your soul desires. So Katie will strategically use her humor to gently but pointedly nudge you to see it. But she will never pressure you.
Katie is a professional in every respect and she takes her commitment to her clients very seriously. The work she does with them is not her “job,” it’s her vocation, and she is devoted to it. It’s just who she is. She lives it and breathes it. It’s been an education and an adventure for me working with Katie. I feel so much happier and healthier emotionally and psychologically than I did when I first started this spiritual journey with her. And it’s not over yet. There is still so much more to learn, and I look forward to it.
Although this work isn’t easy, it's definitely worth it. You feel so liberated when you are able to let go of some of the baggage that was holding you back, for many years, in my case. I can hardly express my gratitude enough to God and to Katie to be having this experience with someone I trust so unequivocally.
If you’re ready to change in the direction of greater connection and explore your connection with self, others, God and Nature, contact me. When you’re ready to do the inner work that can free you from the suffering of disappointments and broken bonds as RR did, I will help you to listen for what your soul is saying silently.
From someone who really struggles with asking for help, it's always nice to know there are kind souls like you offering it up, Katie. Nice to "meet you" yesterday! :)