2025: Activate Your Sensitive Soul Superpowers
You have everything you need to reclaim your spiritual sovereignty right now.
There is a war going on for your soul right now, Sensitive Soul. Numerous nefarious factions are amping up drama, doom and distraction in 2025 to make you feel powerless against looming disaster. You’re not. You are very powerful. But if you allow the mass media and your frightened friends to scare you silly this year, you may be tricked into surrendering your precious soul for a psyop.
In 2025 your mission is to fully reconnect with your soul, use its energy to dissolve whatever needs purging and allow its intelligent light to more fully influence and guide your personality.
Trusting outer authority makes you a scared and confused decision maker who is easy to influence and control.
You may have been taught to place your trust in the “experts,” “the government,” “the church” or some other authority figure outside of yourself by someone you trust, making it a principle that is hard to give up. You may even have been taught that it is a sin punishable by hell to question authority. Unfortunately, this psychological conditioning process may have also taught you to disbelieve your inner voice, causing it to diminish to a faint whisper.
If you feel lost in these tumultuous times, it may be because you’ve disabled your innate guidance system due to external pressure from perceived authority figures.
Over time and across multiple generations, most of us were taught to mistrust our inner guidance and obey something or someone outside ourselves. Continually beaten down by circumstances seemingly outside of our control, many of us have become disconnected from our Source, from each other and from our Real Self. By abandoning our faith in ourselves, each other and in God, we’ve abdicated our sovereignty. Faithless actors motivated by greed and a lust for power to rule over us have rushed into the void, leaving us at their mercy, unless we awaken and reclaim our true power en masse.
It’s time for humanity to wake up and grow up. Each and every one of us who believes in a more just and beautiful world needs to take responsibility for cleaning up the mess we’re in: We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. When you realize that your self-trust got hijacked and applied to corrupt institutions with their own agenda, it’s tragic, but it can also be incredibly liberating.
You can take back your power by simply taking your power back. You can extricate yourself from the disempowering paradigms you’ve inherited and start to think for yourself. You can adopt more uplifting beliefs without disrespecting trusted authority figures from your past. You can claim your destiny and become a sovereign being right now, if you choose.
You can navigate 2025 safely, sanely and more soulfully by activating your Sensitive Soul Superpowers. Over the next five days, I’ll be posting short essays featuring one area of focus for you to ponder and integrate each day. You may wish to journal or dialogue with each topic to glean personal insights that can help you better navigate the situations you need to face in 2025.
Spiritual Sovereignty: Your Foundation
Being spiritually sovereign means claiming your sacred relationship with all of life. It’s claiming yourself as an individual and as an inseparable part of the whole of creation. It’s a pivotal shift of consciousness from being a victim of circumstance to realizing that the ever-present source of life exists within you as you, and its nature is to create. Your soul is a piece of God, making you a creator, a god in embryo.
Spiritual sovereignty is a path of mastery as it will ask of you nothing less than becoming who you truly are.
As an experiment in spiritual sovereignty, practice muting the voices of the “experts” in your head for a while and instead amplify the voice of your soul, even if it feels awkward at first. When you have a vexing question, rather than looking “out there” for answers, start off by getting still and looking within. Place your hand over your heart and ask yourself what you need to know: What do I need to know right now? Pause and listen for the answer. If this is a new practice for you, be patient and playful, as it takes time, creativity and repetition to switch your frame of reference from a primarily outer orientation to the more subtle and symbolic experience of inner awareness.
As you strengthen your foundation of spiritual sovereignty by listening for your inner voice, notice the quality of the commentary by the voices in your head. If any of them are rude, mean or unsupportive, initiate a friendly dialogue with them. Invite the critics, the naysayers and the doubters to have their say, but do not give them their way:
I often use the analogy of the bus to help people work with their sub personalities: Imagine that you are a bus. All of the passengers on the bus are aspects of you. Ideally, your bus is driven where it’s meant to go by your soul, with its impeccable navigation system. However, disgruntled aspects of you like The Inner Critic, The Wounded Child or The Victim will sometimes get riled up and try to drive your bus to unpleasant, unproductive or downright terrifying destinations. Invite the one who would drive your bus to an undesirable location to come forward. Ask him to share his point of view and listen attentively. Acknowledge what you’ve heard. Thank him and ask him to return to his seat, leaving the capable driver in command of the wheel.
Watch for tomorrow’s essay that can help you to discern the cast of characters in your head from your soul’s voice. In the meantime, when a voice arises from inside, ask it: Are you friend or foe?
You're on fire, Katie. Yes, a thousand times YES to everything you're saying. All of us -- and especially me -- need to hear your words. Thank you, wise and gorgeous woman!!
This is soooo perfect based on all the inner guidance I too have been receiving lately …I love the idea of expressing our Sovereign Soul Superpowers and look forward to reading more of your inspiring ideas and sharing them with my coaching and therapy clients